Leave a Legacy


Think about leaving a legacy gift to the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina. Let us know if you’d like to learn more about this option to invest in the Fellowship’s future. Drop the Treasurer a line at ufr.treasurer@sasktel.net to discuss your planned giving.

Direct donation of Securities

Why donate securities? You get a tax break and a charitable donation receipt for the full amount.

It’s straight-forward too. In a nutshell, if you sell securities, you pay a tax on any increase in value since you purchased them (capital gains tax).  Instead, donate the securities to the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina through Canada Helps with no capital gains tax. Please confirm with your financial advisor, broker or estate planner. Read more here.

As a registered charity, CanadaHelps sells your securities without capital gains tax and immediately deposits the proceeds to the Unitarian Fellowship to continue our work. You will receive a charitable donation tax receipt for 100% of your security’s fair market value at the date of transfer. These special gifts provide a lasting legacy that sustains the Unitarian Fellowship into the future. We value all your gifts!

How to donate securities

    1. Complete a Canada Helps form for transferring Gifts of Securities. Use the donate securities button on this website.
    2. Complete and sign the form on your computer using Adobe Reader or print the form and then complete and sign it by hand.
    3. Send the form to your financial advisor and authorize them to initiate the transfer on your behalf. You might want your advisor’s assistance in filling out the details of the securities you wish to transfer.
    4. Ask your advisor to send a copy of the form to Canada Helps to ensure your gift is handled smoothly and efficiently. The form should be sent via email to info@canadahelps.org 
    5. Once your donation has been received (this can take up to a few days – or weeks in the case of mutual funds), we will contact you to confirm that the transfer has been completed and to thank you for your generous gift! Unitarian Fellowship of Regina will issue you a tax receipt for the fair market value of the security on the date that it is received  by the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina.

Donating stocks through your will
You can also donate securities through your will and receive tax savings for your estate. For more information, or if you are the executor of someone else’s will and would like to distribute securities from the estate, please contact ufr.treasurer@sasktel.net