Fellowship Leadership

Annual Report

You can access our 2019 Annual Report here.

Governance and Board of Trustees

The Regina Unitarian Fellowship is a  self‐governing  and  self‐supporting  organization.   We  are  democratically  governed  by our  Board of Trustees, our constitution and our voting membership.  We are also governed by  provincial legislation and federal charities legislation.
To contact Board member, use the links below or email the Administration Co-ordinator: reginauu@gmail.com.

The current Board members are:

President: Richard Jack
Past President: Jamie Struthers
Secretary: Jane Knox
Treasurer: Joanne Green
Trustees at Large: George Garbe, Chris Soucie, Ethel Struthers


Finance Committee – Joanne Green
Fundraising Action Group – Jane Knox
Program Committee – Tanya Walker and Joanne Green
Property Committee – Joanne Green
Membership Committee – Jane Knox
Reconciliation Study Group – Sandra Blenkinsop
Lay Chaplains – Jamie Struthers, Hillary Craig

For more information, send an email to the Administrative Coordinator:  reginauu@gmail.com

Volunteer Recognition

Like other non-profit community organizations, we exist because our members enjoy working together to bring life to our Fellowship and our historic building. Board and committee members play a significant role, but there are many others who regularly water plants, deposit donations, etc.
In 2020, we wish to say THANK YOU! particularly to those whose efforts help us to maintain our communication with each other:
Administrative Coordinator Mike McCall
Chalice Editor Zonia Guenther
regular columnists Zonia and Pam Bocking and various committee representatives
Facebook contributors … There are many, but particularly Jim Hutchings and Joanne Green
Technical advisors Dave Thompson, Jim Hutchings, and Joanne Green